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  • Writer's pictureWendy Clarke

I Don't Even Know Where to Begin

It's hard to believe that I am in this position once again. In my mind, I saw this set up going much differently. And I thought I'd be able to paint by now.

I usually have ideas about where paintings will go, what will surround me and the items to put in the studio to organize myself. In this corner I am not using any of the items that I had in my last studio to help with organization. I can't see a way to set up a situation to paint with all the chaos around me. I don't need perfectly organized; however, some sort of table is needed here. The desk I used in the last studio has become my kitchen table, so that item is gone.

The door I had on my bedroom closet growing up would be perfect--flat, and light weight. I would simply need something to hold it up. It would be the perfect size at a reasonable price. These doors are no longer sold in the stores. Our doors over the years seemed to have gotten fancier, and heavier.

I will begin a search for items that can work and hopefully I can get this area somewhat in order so that I can begin to create. At least the items are out of the moving boxes.

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